Terms of Use

GFL Terms of Use

I agree to follow all basic firearm safety rules.

Placing an order on shop.gafiringline.com constitues any website user's agreement to all terms listed here.  Agreement to comply with these terms is confirmed with an obligatory checkbox prompt which precedes final checkout and provides the terms, shipping rules, and other conditions to which all website users must agree and adhere.

Entering GFL premises or using the GFL shooting range constitutes agreement to these terms.   There is a sign in front of the door and in front of the shooting range with a QR code for this page which makes the GFL Terms of Use available to anyone before they enter GA Firing Line.

Transacting with the gunsmith constitutes agreement to these terms.  There is a sign in front of the smith shop and in front of our training facility with a QR code which provides the GFL Terms of Use for any prospective clients.

Becoming a GFL member, renting a locker, or enrolling in a class or off-site event constitutes agreement to these terms.  Agreement to comply with these terms is confirmed with an obligatory checkbox prompt which precedes final checkout and provides the terms and other conditions to which all students, members, clients, and related parties must adhere.

These terms and conditions supersede any and all other agreements either oral or written between GFL and any GFL client.  These terms and conditions contain all of the covenants and agreements between the parties, and each party to this contact acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements have been made by or on behalf of any party, except those covenants and agreements embodied in this contract.  No agreement, statement or promise not contained in these terms shall be binding or valid.  All terms of all agreements made between any client and GFL are fully integrated herein.

Should any term of this agreement be held as unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the contract terms shall remain in full force and effect and will remain unchanged.

1. Patronizing GA Firing Line. I wish to transact business at GA Firing Line, located at 2727 Canton Road Ste #410, #500 Marietta, GA 30066, including potentially using the firing range or other facilities, or purchasing goods or services whether online, off-site, or in person.

2. Assumption of Risk; Waiver and Release; Covenant Not to Sue. I understand that handling or even being near firearms or firearm-related accessories is dangerous. I recognize that serious and potentially life-threatening injuries and even death can occur while shooting a firearm on my own, while handling a firearm or firearm related accessories in any capacity, while participating with others in an event, or by simply being a spectator at any range.  In consideration of being permitted to use the firing range and/or participate in the activities and/or programs both on-site and off-site at GA Firing Line including the purchase of goods or services or presence at special events, I agree to assume full responsibility for any and all risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, of any kind and nature, which I may incur as a result of participating or being present at or transacting with GA Firing Line.  I further knowingly, voluntarily, expressly, and without reservation waive any and all claims I, my heirs, executors, legal representatives, administrators or assigns (or any other person claiming or who may claim under me) may have against GA Firing Line, its agents, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, instructors, landlord/land owner, volunteers, or representatives for any and all injuries or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in the range activities. I assume all risk of loss, injury, or other damage to my person and/or property that may result from my presence on GA Firing Line’s premises or by purchase of their goods or services.  Further, I, my heirs, executors, legal representatives, administrators or assigns (or any other person claiming or who may claim under me) forever release, waive, discharge, hold harmless, and covenant not to sue GA Firing Line, its agents, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, instructors, landlord/land owner, volunteers, or representatives for injuries, including death, or other damages to my person or property that I may sustain as a result of my presence at or transaction(s) with GA Firing Line, including but not limited to injuries caused by myself, by negligence or by the acts of others.  I realize the conduct for which I am releasing those parties listed above may arise from the negligence or carelessness of those very parties being released.  Nevertheless, I understand that I am releasing those persons or entities for intentional miscunduct or injury by them.

3. Fitness. I understand it is my responsibility to consult a physician prior to and regarding my activities at GA Firing Line or activities involving the use of GA Firing Line’s products or services. I represent that I am physically fit and I have no medical, psychological, legal, or other conditions (including but not limited to being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, illicit substances, or any substance which may impair judgement) which would prevent my participation at the range, my ability to handle firearms or firearm-related accessories, or which would place at risk my well-being or the well-being of others. I understand that pregnant women and women who believe they are pregnant are not permitted in the range area. It is my responsibility to refrain from using the range while I am pregnant, and not expect GA Firing Line to identify if and when a customer is or may be pregnant.

4. Legal Ability to Handle Firearms. By entering the range or buying goods or services from GA Firing Line, I am acknowledging that I am under no form of restraint or ban against the possession or use of a firearm, including any domestic violence restraining order, and that I am free to lawfully own, possess or handle firearms under the laws of the United States of America and my state of residence. 

5. Medical Treatment. I hereby consent to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed or appear reasonable or advisable in the event of injury, accident, or illness during the activities at the firing range, whether provided by agents, employees, or volunteers of GA Firing Line or such other personnel that may respond to any such emergency.

6. House Rules. I have read and understand GA Firing Line’s Pistol Range Rules and GA Firing Line Rifle Range Rules and any addendums to these rules which are posted at GA Firing Line. I agree to strictly adhere to those rules. I understand that a copy of the Rules is available to me upon request.  If I have any questions pertaining to the proper use of the range, the rule, the safe use of any firearm, or any other safety issue, I will discuss my question or concern with an employee of GA Firing Line before using the range or a firearm.  I have watched the firearms safety video in its entirety before handling any firearms or entering the range.

House rules include, but are not limited to,

  • ALWAYS keep firearms pointed in a safe direction regardless of whether or not they are loaded

  • ALWAYS keep your finger OFF the trigger until you are sure of your target, what is behind it, and have made the decision to shoot

  • ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use

  • NEVER handle a firearm behind another shooter

  • Only one shooter per lane may shoot at a time

  • No open toed shoes, no sleeveless shirts, no low-cut shirts, and long hair must be secured up and out of the way

  • Wear ear protection and eye protection AT ALL TIMES in the range

  • Obey the instructions of GA Firing Line range officers, employees, and instructors

  • NEVER use incendiary, tracer, steel core, armor piercing, reloaded, or shotgun ammunition of any kind

  • NEVER enter the range under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any substance that may hinder clear judgement or coordination

  • Do not leave items unattended

  • Persons who are pregnant, may become pregnant, or are trying to become pregnant are not allowed in the GA Firing Line range.  It is not GA Firing Line's responsibility to identify whether or not a person is pregnant.

  • DO NOT unholster a personal or carry firearm

7. Responsibility to Safely Handle Firearms. I understand that it is my responsibility to have a functional, operational knowledge of each and every firearm or firearm-related accessory I purchase from GA Firing Line, any products which I bring in to GA Firing Line, and/or any other firearm which I may use or be in control of while in GA Firing Line. I certify that I am familiar with general firearm safety and handling procedures; that every firearm and ammunition that I bring into the range is in proper working order; and that GA Firing Line is not responsible for inspecting my firearm, ammunition feeding device (magazine) or ammunition to ensure that it is working properly. Nevertheless, GA Firing Line reserves the right to inspect any firearm, ammunition, or ammunition feeding device for safety purposes at any time. Further, I understand that no exotic or substandard ammunition is permitted in the range (including but not limited to explosive, armor piercing, tracer, steel core, shotgun, or incendiary rounds).

8. Persons Under 18. I further agree that I will not bring into the firing range any person under the age of eighteen (18) years of age and in no event will I bring any minor into the range unless I am authorized under law to waive any and all rights including rights to make any claim of liability for personal injury, death, or other possible damages or losses for an on that person’s behalf (that is a parent, legal guardian, or written and signed permission from same). I further agree to assume full responsibility for any and all risks, injuries, death, or damages, known or unknown, of any nature, caused or sustained by any person under 18 whom I bring onto the GA Firing Line premises or to any GA Firing Line event, or which they might otherwise incur as a result of interacting with GA Firing Line and will indemnify GA Firing Line, its landlord, and its agents from any liability arising therefrom. I further knowingly, voluntarily, expressly and without reservation, waive any and all claims any person under 18 who I may bring into the GA Firing Line premises may have against GA Firing Line, its agents, officers, directors, shareholder, employees, instructors, landlord, landowner, volunteers, or representatives for any and all injuries, death or damages that they may sustain as a result of participating in range activities. Any person(s) for whom I am acknowledging such responsibility and waiver are available to me upon entering GA Firing Line.

9. Physical contact.  Instructors may need to use physical contact only for the purposes of instructing clients in firearm and/or equipment usage, to provide support for or steady a student or client, to prevent a fall or a collision, to secure a malfunctioning firearm, to secure a firearm that is not being handled safely, or to aid in the prevention of any unfavorable or unsafe eventuality.  I consent to physical contact and will not hold GA Firing Line liable for any physical, mental, or emotional damage that results from any physical contact deemed appropriate by a range officer, a GFL employee, a GFL instructor, or GFL-contracted instructors on GFL premises or at any off-site GFL event.

10. Continuing Release. This release shall remain in full force and effect with no expiration for time or other reason. If at any time I refuse to abide by the conditions of this waiver, for any reason, I understand that I must cease immediately using GA Firing Line’s firing range and other facilities, and that I will not be permitted to use it until I execute a new waiver. By purchasing goods or services from GA Firing Line or by participating in a GA Firing Line event, I acknowledge that I have reviewed the GA Firing Line Liability Waiver.

Firearm, Firearm-related Accessory, and Equipment Rental Agreement

By renting a firearm, firearm-related accessory, or equipment from GFL, I acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

  • I am not under indictment or information (information is a formal accusation of a crime made by a prosecuting attorney) in any Court for a crime for which a Judge could imprison me for more than one year.
  • I have not been convicted in any Court for a crime for which a Judge could have incarcerated me for more than one year, even if the Judge gave a shorter sentence.
  • I am not a fugitive from justice.
  • I have never been adjudicated mentally defective or been committed to a mental institution.
  • I have never been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions.
  • I am not an alien illegally in the United States.
  • I have never been convicted in any Court of domestic violence.  This includes, but is not limited to, any conviction involving the use or attempted use of physical force committed by a current or former spouse, parent, guardian, child of the victim, or by a person with any similar relationship with the victim.
  • I am not addicted to, or an unlawful user of marijuana, any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance.
  • I am not depressed, nor do I want to cause harm to myself or others.
  • I will use only ammunition approved by GFL in GFL's rental firearms.
  • I understand that a person who cannot agree to all of the above questions is prohibited from possessing or renting a firearm.
  • I understand that if I cannot agree to all of the above statements and I choose to rent a firearm anyway, I have unlawfully misrepresented the truth with respect to my rental transaction and will be held liable.
  • I certify that I am experienced and skilled in the proper handling, loading, use, and discharge of all firearms and ammunition I intend to use at this range.
  • I certify that I have watched the available range safety video in its entirety. 
  • I agree to follow all firearm safety rules and GFL range rules at all times.

Machine Gun Rental and Handling Policy

To rent or operate an automatic weapon you must be 21 years of age or older.

Rented automatic weapons will be transported to and from the firing range by a trained employee of Freedom Firearms Inc. Automatic weapons will be loaded and unloaded only inside the shooting range while in the control of a trained employee of Freedom Firearms Inc or an officially delegated Range Safety Officer. Before leaving the firing range, automatic weapons must pass a visual and tactile inspection by a GFL employee to ensure that the chamber and magazine, belt or other affixed loading devices are empty or disconnected in such a fashion that it is impossible to load the weapon via the intentional or unintentional cycling of the action.


Customer owned automatic firearms: the first time each customer brings an automatic weapon to our facility with the intention of using our firing range, they must receive training in the safe handling of weapons, transport procedures as described above and the mechanical operation of each type of firearm they intend to shoot. A machine gun trained employee will accompany the customer to the firing range after checking in, signing the liability waiver and being assigned a lane number to use. The employee will observe and ensure the safe operation of each type of machine gun the customer has brought into the firing range. If a customer that has previously gone through this process to understand and consistently demonstrate the safe handling of personally owned machine guns decides to bring a model or type to the firing range that they have not previously been trained on, they must undergo the same training to ensure they are safe and competent in their handling of the new type or model.

GFL Gunsmithing and Manufacturing Terms & Conditions

GA Firing Line / GFL / GFL Customs (referred to as “GFL”) requires all clients to accept and adhere to the following terms and conditions.  By engaging the gunsmith services, I confirm that I agree with the following.

Engaging Gunsmithing Services

          I wish to transact with GFL Gunsmithing Services to alter, create, repair, or otherwise modify a firearm, firearm-related accessory, or other merchandise.  This agreement applies to any and all work done by GFL and GFL contractors, including but not limited to, manufacturing, laser engraving, cerakote, cosmetic work, repairs, machining, welding, maintenance, cleaning, installations, upgrades, modifications, and custom work. 

I understand gunsmith work often takes a long time and that not all jobs and/or repairs are feasible.  GFL reserves the right to refuse or terminate any project it deems unsafe, unreasonable, unlawful, or otherwise impracticable at any time.

Liability Waiver

          GFL Gunsmithing Services carry no warranty and all risk of any equipment malfunction that may result in injury or death during or after work by the gunsmith shop is assumed by me, the client.  I understand that firearms and firearm-related accessories are inherently dangerous, that modifying them poses a serious risk, and even quality gunsmith and/or machining work carries no guarantee of safety.  I understand there is risk involved in all gunsmithing work and am willing to accept that risk. 

  • I release GFL and any of its affiliated organizations from all actions, claims or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians or legal representatives now have or may hereafter have for injuries or damages resulting from any work performed by GFL.

  • I am informed, realize, and understand that any work or modifications which I have requested may release the manufacturer from any liability for any accident should any occur and may void any/all manufacturer warranties.

  • By transacting with GFL Gunsmithing, I am releasing the gunsmith, both individually and in any business form, from any liability should any accident or malfunction occur because of any work by any GFL employee or contractor.

  • Gunsmith clients will indemnify and defend GFL from all liability for any loss, damage or injury to persons or property arising from or related to the performance of the agreement including, without limitation, all consequential damages whether or not resulting from the negligence of the client or the client’s agent.

  • These terms and conditions supercede any and all other agreements either oral or written between GFL and any GFL client.  These terms and conditions contain all of the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to the gunsmithing work pursuant to the work order and each party to this contact acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements have been made by or on behalf of any party, except those covenants and agreements embodied in this contract.  No agreement, statement or promise not contained in these terms shall be binding or valid.  All terms of all agreements made between any client and GFL are fully integrated herein.

  • If any term of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, the remainder of the contract terms shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected.

  • Unless other written arrangements are made, any jobs left in the shop for more than 60 days after notification of job completion and request for payment of job balance will be considered abandoned and may be sold to cover expenses.

  • No implied warranty of merchantability is given and is expressly denied.

  • No implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is given and is expressly denied.

  • No implied warranty of workmanlike quality is given and is expressly denied.

  • By engaging GFL smith services, I agree with these terms and voluntarily surrender certain legal rights.

  • I acknowledge that any modification of any merchandise may compromise safety systems and may be hazardous.  Nevertheless, I am voluntarily requesting that these modifications take place with full knowledge of the serious risk involved which may include injury, paralysis, death, or other damages.  I release GFL from all liabilities arising from work completed at my own request.

  • I will not ask GFL to complete any unlawful work, or any work that results in an illegal item, system, or merchandise of any kind.  It is my responsibility to know and abide by local and federal laws.



          Clients must pay in full for all parts, labor, and services before claiming their property.  Any project that has not been paid in full may be withheld until the remaining balance is paid.  I accept that GFL Gunsmithing quotes are approximations, and I understand that the price of each quoted job may change at any time during the smithing process to accommodate parameters or provisos that may have been unknowable and/or unforseeable at the time of the original quote.

          I accept that any parts not supplied by me may be ordered by GFL Gunsmithing and subject to a surcharge and shipping costs.

          I accept that not all gunsmithing jobs are successful, and that GFL is under no obligation to refund payment for any work deemed substandard by myself, the client.  I further acknowledge that any added work on an existing or completed project will incur additional fees.  ALL SALES ARE FINAL, AND GFL IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO ISSUE ANY REFUND FOR ANY REASON.

          Any work that is not picked up within one week of completion may incur a $10-per-day storage fee.

          Store credit issued on a receipt without a client name will not be accepted by GFL in exchange for goods or services.  Store credit on a receipt with a client or a client account expires two years from the date of the transaction that produced a credit.

Time to Completion

          GFL estimated turnaround time is non-binding and may change at any time without any notification to the client.  GFL reserves the right to complete work orders in whatever order it sees fit in accordance with its own internal priorities in conjunction with availability of parts, labor, equipment, and test facility availability.

          GFL can never guarantee “while-you-wait” work, and a job that was previously completed same-day may not be completed same-day going forward due to fluctuating workloads, personnel availability, or smith shop job completion priorities.


          I am responsible for insuring my firearms, firearm-related accessories, and any other merchandise while they are in the GFL shop.  I acknowledge that GFL provides no insurance for any non-GFL-owned equipment or merchandise, that I am responsible for knowing whether or not any insurance of mine covers my items during their stay at GFL and ensuring their coverage.


          I will follow any written or verbal instructions (including smith instruction, user manuals or classroom content) from GFL concerning my products, equipment, and conduct.  I recognize that any deviation from GFL instructions may result in injury or death, and I agree not to hold GFL liable for any and all consequences that may arise if I ignore or violate GFL instructions or firearm safety rules.  I understand that smithing work in no way changes the basic firearm safety rules to which I must always adhere.


Membership Policy

GA Firing Line requires at least two weeks notice of membership cancellation.  All membership fees are non-refundable unless client has notified GFL of cancellation two or more weeks prior to the fee collection.  This policy is made clear in the terms during the checkout process to initiate membership.

Locker Policy

GA Firing Line is not responsible or liable for the legality or any dangers posed by the contents of your locker.  You are responsible for storing only legal material, and no hazardous materials aside from unloaded firearms and ammunition.  All ammunition must be stored separately, never in a firearm.  In the event of any damage or a total loss, GFL insurance will not cover merchandise stored in lockers.  It is the responsibility of GFL clients to insure any and all merchandise independently of GFL insurance to guarantee coverage in the event of any loss, mishap, or damage of any kind.
User must store only items legally owned by user in GFL lockers.  Upon request, users must provide GFL with any tax stamps for NFA items within 24 hours.
• If you lose your combination, only you and your chosen alternate point of contact will be able to obtain access to the locker. We will verify the identity of the person requesting access against our records.
• GA Firing Line will contact you in the event of a missed payment (this may happen if your credit card information changes).

• If GFL cannot reach you within 30 days, the locker is forfeit.
• If GFL cannot reach you within 60 days, the contents of your locker will be signed into our system and will require one transfer fee per item and a 4473 before they can re-enter your possession.
• Missed payments may incur a storage fee.

ATF Rule 2021-R-05 – Freedom Firearms, Inc dba GA Firing Line does not service, purchase, or sell Privately Made Firearms (PMFs).  Clients who bring in PMFs for any transaction or service will be turned away.  Freedom Firearms, Inc does not buy nor does it sell 80% lowers, 80% kits, or non-serialized frames or receivers and does not participate in any business practice to which this rule applies.

Every customer is responsible for knowing his/her state laws regarding firearm transfers. Contact your local FFL dealer before ordering a firearm to determine their transfer fee, to ensure they will receive your transfer, and to ask any questions regarding the sale or transfer of firearms. The customer assumes all responsibility and cost for returned firearms due to FFL refusal or failure to receive a transfer.

To order a handgun, rifle, stockless shotgun, complete AR receiver, complete AK receiver, or stripped lower receiver, you must be:

  • A legal resident of the state in which you are ordering.
  • 21 years of age or older to complete the transfer through your FFL.

Exception: Military personnel stationed in a state other than their legal residence may purchase firearms across state lines. If this applies to you, contact your local FFL receiving the transfer as you may have to provide proof of deployment, residence, and any additional paperwork requested by your FFL.  GA Firing Line reserves the right to refuse any sale that we believe may incur legal liabilities.

Photo and Video Release

By entering the GFL premises, entering any GFL off-site event or training, or by transacting with GFL, I hereby grant GFL on behalf of myself and any parties with me the irrevocable right and permission to photograph and/or record me and anyone with me, the irrevocable right and permission to photograph and/or record me and anyone with me in association with GFL, including for use in advertising and promotional material, for security purposes, and in promotional content in any manner hereafter known in perpetuity throughout the world without restrictions to alteration.  I waive any right to inspect or approve the use of the photograph and/or recording, and acknowledge and agree that the rights granted to this release are without compensation of any kind.  I further grant permission and waive any objection to the use of any video or photo images taken by me or anyone with me which may subsequently be posted to public social media, internet sites, mailers, or disseminated in any way to the public.  I acknowledge that GFL may, at GFL's discretion, utilize these videos or images for business purposes, any legal purposes, and may do so without any further expressed consent.

I will not alter any GFL promotional material, including videos, photos, social media posts, and any material publicly released by GFL.  I recognize that firearms and firearm-related accessories are inherently dangerous, and I will never create content or alter any content in a way that may damage GFL's constant effort to promote firearm safety and responsible firearm ownership through carefully constructed safety rules and social media guidelines.  I recognize that any non-GFL authorized posts may incite violence, unsafe decisions, and irresponsible firearm ownership, and that GFL is not liable for any loss, damage, physical harm, or emotional trauma connected to or arising from non-GFL approved content.

I accept and agree that I must have express written permission from GFL marketing or from GFL upper management to post or release any photo, video, or social media content related to GFL, GFL events, or anything that occurs on the premises of GFL.  

Shipping Restrictions

Freedom Firearms Inc, dba Georgia Firing Line / GFL / GFL Customs (referred to here as "GFL" or "GA Firing Line"), reserves the right to refuse, terminate, or cancel any unlawfully attempted transaction, paperwork, product shipment, or shipping procedure. 

GA Firing Line ships firearms to valid FFL dealers only.

GA Firing Line does not ship ammunition.

Neither firearms nor NFA items can be shipped to a P.O. Box or residential address.

GA Firing Line will not ship standard-capacity magazines to the states with firearm magazine restrictions. 

GA Firing Line will not ship any items to the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.).

GA Firing Line will not ship any items to the state of Massachusetts.

GA Firing Line will not ship any firearms or firearm-related items to the states of California, New York, or Washington.

GA Firing Line will not ship any semi auto rifles or parts to residents of Illinois.

GA Firing Line will not ship any AR or AK parts to Denver, Colorado.

Illinois- All handguns containing a barrel, slide, frame, or receiver which is a die casting of zinc alloy or other non-homogeneous metals that melts or deforms at a temperature of less than 800 degrees Fahrenheit are prohibited.

Minnesota- All handguns having a barrel, slide, frame, or receiver which is a die casting of zinc alloy or other non-homogeneous metal that melts or deforms at a temperature of less than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, of any material having an ultimate tensile strength of less than 55,000 pounds per square inch, and of any powdered metal having a density of less than 7.5 grams per cubic centimeter are prohibited.

Washington- No firearms or firearm-related items will be shipped to the state of Washington.

No AR parts will be shipped to Connecticut. All such orders will be canceled and refunded less a processing fee.

Stripped lower receivers will not be shipped to the following states:

Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Vail), Connecticut, and Massachusetts

Complete AR and AK receivers will not be shipped to the following states:

Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Vail), Connecticut, Maryland, and New Jersey

Non-Compliant AR & AK models will not be shipped to the following states:

Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Vail), Connecticut, Maryland, and New Jersey

Please note that GA Firing Line does not ship high-capacity magazines with firearms to the states listed above, nor will it replace high-capacity magazines with state-compliant magazines. GA Firing Line does not offer refunds in place of the magazines. 

NY, CA, and WA state laws make it impossible for Freedom Firearms Inc dba GA Firing Line to ship items to any individuals or FFL holders who reside in those states.  Under these laws:

  • Companies who sell firearms or firearm-related items (ie, scope rings) are liable for damages if any person "comes to harm" (ie, drops scope rings on their toe) in any incident involving that item.
  • The individual who sells and ships any firearm or firearm-related item to NY or CA is personally liable for damages if any person "comes to harm" in any incident involving that product.
  • CA state law specifies no time frame for these rules; the law could be applied retroactively to make our company liable for damages involving items shipped to CA even before the law's effective date.
  • Washington state law contains a stipulation that does not require a plaintiff to prove willful noncompliance to convict a defendant under their firearm-related law.

Freedom Firearms dba GA Firing Line will not risk incriminating our company nor our staff for the potential future actions of complete strangers for whom we are not responsible.  No firearms or firearm-related items will be shipped to the states of CA, NY, or WA, nor to L.E.O.s who reside in those states.  Please take time to read through the NY laws, the CA laws, and the WA Laws yourself.

USPS has experienced unusually frequent delays and losses. GFL disclaims all liability for items lost or delayed by USPS services, and by selecting any USPS shipping method the customer acknowledges and accepts the risk.  This provision is written clearly in the checkout dialogue box where shipping options are displayed.

Shipping Restrictions Exceptions

  • Law enforcement officers must provide both their credentials and a letterhead signed by their department's superior officer stating that the firearm will be used in the execution of the L.E.O.'s duties. GA Firing Line only recognizes City Police Officers, County Sheriff Deputies, and State Police (including Highway Patrol) as L.E.O.’s.
  • Some of the states listed above may not have L.E.O. exemptions. Please contact us BEFORE placing your order.
  • GA Firing Line reserves the right to refuse sales to L.E.O. over state lines if we believe it may incur legal liability.
  • GA Firing Line does not ship directly to L.E.O.’s; the order must go to an FFL. There are no exceptions to this policy.

P.O. Box Shipments/Restrictions

Firearms cannot be shipped to a P.O. Box or personal address.

Freedom Firearms abides by all Federal Regulations regarding hazardous material shipped through United States Postal Service. A hazardous material is any article or substance designated by the U.S. Department of Transportation as being capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, or property during transportation. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Minor Blast/Minor Projection Hazard — Ammunition
  • Oxidizing Substances — Batteries
  • Flammable Solids — Black Powder
  • Flammable and combustible liquid — Cleaners, oil, and aerosol cans

If you wish to order any hazardous material, you must provide a physical address for shipment through UPS.

Magazine Ordering Restrictions

Freedom Firearms abides by all state regulations regarding the sale of high-capacity magazines. GA Firing Line does not ship high-capacity magazines with firearms to the states listed below, nor will it replace high-capacity magazines with state-compliant magazines. GA Firing Line does not offer refunds in place of the magazines. It is the customer’s responsibility for understanding state laws regarding magazine capacities. Customers ordering magazines that are illegal to own in their state will have their orders canceled and will be charged a 25% restocking fee.

States With Applied Magazine Restrictions

California — GA Firing Line will not ship any firearm-related items to California.

Colorado — No magazines greater than 15 rounds, effective July 1st, 2013